Retro Gaming Throwbacks 👾

Glimps of Gaming Console History

Growing up I don't remember a time when I didn't have a gaming device in my hands. From gaming with friends, family, or solo playing I always enjoyed it. Seeing how I was able to get so immersed in a world unlike the one that we live in was and always be truly magical for me. Even now, being 24 years old, I still play video games whether it's on my PlayStation 5, retro emulators, or on my phone. It's a hobby that I will always enjoy and those that also enjoy gaming will agree with me. The gaming world has continued to evolve over the decades and will with all the new technology that's being built daily; however, this wouldn't be possible without these early retro consoles paving the way for modern day consoles. Let's take a brief dive at the consoles that started this phenomenon!

Console History

The history of video game consoles, both home and handheld, had their origins in the 1970s. The concept of home consoles used to play games on a television set was founded by the 1972 Magnavox Odyssey, first conceived by Ralph H. Baer in 1966. Since then, home game consoles have progressed through technology cycles typically referred to as generations, each lasting approximately five years, during which competing manufacturers have produced consoles with similar specifications. With underlying improvements to technology such as smaller and faster microprocessors, digital communications, and changes to business models, a new generation of consoles is evolved from the previous one. Learn more here